Create Customer from Lead Overview
This request enables you to create a new customer from lead by applying the 'OC Essential' license to the lead. This action can be performed once the lead is successfully connected to Microsoft 365 (retrieve the customer lead to verify that the 'status' parameter value is shown as active (Get Specific Lead). In the process, the following occurs:
■ | A new umpCustomerGuid is generated for the customer tenant in the Live Cloud database. |
■ | A unique URL for accessing the Live Platform portal. |
The figure below shows the applied license 'OC Essential' for the example customer tenant..
A unique string UID 'umpCustomerGuid' (see figure below) is created for the new customer which also forms part of the URL for the customer login to the Multitenant portal. This value is initially displayed in the Get Task request.
You can then run theGet Services Brief Details (V3) to retrieve a list of all customers. Note that the same value is displayed.
The figure below shows the same value displayed for the Id field in the Get Specific Customer Details. Note that the Site Location Id is unique.
The same Id is displayed in the Customer URL example below. The Blue box shows the customer tenant Id and the Green box, the Customer Id.
Live Platform can create the following types of customers:
■ | Tenant Id: A link is established between Live Platform portal database and the OnlinePstnGateway (AudioCodes SBC device configured to connect calls between PSTN trunk and Microsoft Teams) using the customer's Microsoft Azure tenant Id (see Create Customer from Lead with Tenant Id). |
■ | IP Group: An IP Group and Proxy Set are created on the OnlinePstnGateway (AudioCodes SBC device configured to connect calls between PSTN trunk and Microsoft Teams) device and a link is established between Live Platform portal database and the SBC device using the newly created IP Group. IP Groups are mandatory for SIP Registration (see Create Customer from Lead with IP Group (Advanced Configuration). |